The Route
The 10 Stages
Start: Cape Town
End: Wellington
Distance: 282km
Elevation: 2,545m
Points of interest: Teg’s Loop (a 10km lap around my parent’s neighbourhood where I did my first 400km ride)
DAy 2
Start: Wellington
End: Ceres
Distance: 254km
Elevation: 2,512m
Points of interest: This is the homeground of a few elite female trail runners who we’ll catch up with, including support team member Magan Hanekom
Day 3
Start: Ceres
End: Ladismith
Distance: 290
Elevation: 2,735m
Points of interest: Mountains!
Day 4
Start: Ladismth
End: Plett
KM: 259km
Elevation: 3,066
Points of interest: The home-ground of Cairo to Cape Town cyclist and Asics trail runner, Robbie Rorich, who will be leading the support crew on the trip
day 5
Start: Plett
End: Wilderness
Distance: 162km
Elevation: 1,596m
Points of interest: Serpentine Hill, where the first Wintergreen Barrier Breaker Sheveresting training camp took place.
day 6
Start: Wilderness
End: Swellendam
KM: 265km
Elevation: 3,088m
Points of interest: The biggest climbing day
day 7
Start: Swellendam
End: Robertson
Distance: 274km
Elevation: 2,968m
Points of interest: This day includes the entire Double Centure route (with a bit extra)
day 8
Start: Robertson
End: Hermanus
Distance: 332km
Elevation: 2,503
Points of interest: A quick time-trial effort to Cape Agulhas, The Southern Tip of Africa
day 9
Start: Hermanus
End: Maaitjiesfontein
Distance: 249km
Elevation: 2,701m
Points of interest: Rotary Hill, where the inaugural Sheveresting event took place in 2021
Day 10
Start: Maatjiesfontein
End: Cape Town
Distance: 269km
Elevation: 1,810
Points of interest: This is the exact route that Mark Beaumont rode on the last day of his “Africa Solo” world record trip.